| **** Angenehmer Pop fürs Radio - weniger zum Tanzen - Halsey tritt erst später auf - das Tempo eher gemächlich - eine typische 4er Nummer mit einigen Hooks ... getting over! |
| ***** erneut starke nummer der chainsmokers. |
| **** Also nach der Steigerung auf schwachem Niveau von "#Selfie" hin zu "Don't Let Me Down" haben sich die Chainsmokers bei mir mittlerweile ins solide Mittelmaß vorgearbeitet. Die Produktion klingt professionell und catchy, die Stimmen sind beide ganz angenehm, viel Spektakel wird aber nicht geboten.<br><br>Knappe bis solide 4. |
| *** Nicht besonders gut. |
| ***** Lekker vrolijk zomers plaatje! dik 5 sterren |
| ***** The Chainsmokers werden immer besser mit der Zeit!<br>Die neue Nummer mit der sehr symphatischen Halsey gefällt mir bisher am Besten!<br>Vorerst 5*+ |
| ** Awful. Are they even trying anymore? Something about this infuriates me, because even earlier this year there were Roses & Don't Let Me Down, and now there's this generic sellout. It sounds like every other chart hit this year. Even Halsey can't salvage this. And also, the guy from the Chainsmokers singing is terrible. |
| **** Dit liedje van deze Chainsmokers kan ik eigenlijk prima smaken. |
| **** Un son plutôt léger pour The Chainsmokers, j'aime bien. |
| **** Hätte hier nicht mit männlichen Vocals gerechnet, aber anscheinend singt einer der Chainamokers-Jungs auch mit, und das gefällt mir hier fast mehr wie Halsey's Beitrag. Guter wenn auch deutlich schwächerer Nachfolger zum genialen "Don't Let Me Down", ist aber trotzdem ihr bisher zweitbester mir bekannter Song. Bin nach wie vor überrascht dass das schon der dritte Hit dieses Jahr werden wird, hätte bei dem Selfie-Schrott nie im Leben mit auch nur einer Nachfolger-Single gerechnet... gute 4+* |
| **** Es ist ok, aber es flasht mich nicht. Halseys Stimme ist echt schön! |
| **** ▒ Deze samenwerking tussen: "The Chainsmokers" & "Halsey", begin juli 2016, zou best nog wel eens een hoogvlieger in de Nederlandse hitlijsten kunnen worden !!! Maar smaken verschillen ☺!!! |
| **** Vrij statisch nummer maar echt slecht is het niet. Jammer dat we zo lang moeten wachten op de bijdrage van Halsey. |
| ** Tamelijk saai en vervelend. |
| **** Eigenlijk best wel een aardig nummer. De melodie is aanstekelijk, 4 sterren van mij |
| **** gut |
| *** Lahme Nummer |
| **** One step backwards. |
| ****** Grandios. Auf dem selben Niveau wie "Don't Let Me Down". Das einzige, was ich etwas zu bemängeln hab, ist das Tempo. Von mir aus könnte es etwas schneller voran gehen, trotzdem sehr in Ordnung und mir sogar die Höchstnote wert. |
| ** schrott! |
| **** Halsey seriously sounds like Swifty. It's a pretty catchy earworm and I quite like it. 3.75 |
| * Seriously sick of this. Last edited: 28.11.2016 14:01 |
| ** <br>Monotone Plastik Musik....also etwas ähnliches wie Musik. |
| **** ...angenehme vier... |
| *** ...für mich ist das auch monotone Plastikmusik - drei Sterne nur für Halsey -... |
| ** Gefällt mir nicht diese Nummer. |
| *** Eine herbe Enttäuschung.<br>Don't let me down steht noch immer felsenfest in meinen Top-3. |
| ***** Possibly their best? It had moments I quite like anyway.<br><br>I dont care now I love it. Last edited: 23.05.2019 14:32 |
| *** Quite bland-ish. |
| ****** It's not their best song but all in all the track is good and Halsey's voice is great as always<br>#1 in Australia! :)<br>Edit: I love this song, now it's their best song, just needed some time to recognise :D Last edited: 14.09.2016 19:25 |
| ****** Finde ich mittlerweile absolut top. Last edited: 08.02.2018 18:23 |
| ***** Ik was hier in eerste instantie niet van onder de indruk, maar ik moet zeggen dat ik dit nu helemaal geen slecht plaatje vind. Integendeel zelfs, bij elke luisterbeurt vind ik 'Closer' aanstekelijker klinken, en dat is natuurlijk grotendeels te danken aan The Chainsmokers. Ik blijf erbij, na '#Selfie' zijn ze alleen maar bergopwaarts gegaan! |
| *** Average and overestimated, but there are worses Last edited: 30.10.2016 17:59 |
| *** ...weniger... |
| ***** Possibly their best work yet. Lyrics work great alongside Alex and Andrew's production in the instrumental. Overplay was a problematic factor during its run in 2016 but.now that radio isn't flogging the track, it's easier to appreciate its merit as a nice unlikely duet. Last edited: 13.04.2019 05:47 |
| ***** As mainstream and structured as it is, this is probably my favourite from them. To be honest, I am quite impressed with The Chainsmokers in 2016.<br><br>Also, it is quite surprising to see 2 members of The Fray linked with this. |
| * Grottig.......<br>Ohne Worte.... |
| **** Boeiend.<br><br>Edit: Groeier, +1. Last edited: 06.11.2016 11:51 |
| **** ganz ok... |
| ****** These guys are on fire, three smashes in a row. Although this does fall short of their best track 'Don't Let Me Down'. I think Andrew should probably just stick to producing and looking pretty though.<br><br>EDIT:<br><br>Upgrading to 6/6. One of the best songs of the year. I'm surprised people don't like the lyrics, it tells a good story. The "we ain't ever gettin' older" is meant to be in the same vein as Taylor Swift's "we never go out of style", basically a bad relationship stuck in a vicious cycle. The verses show that both sides of the story think they have pity for the other half, it's very well written. Last edited: 27.12.2016 04:14 |
| * The success of this bewilders me more than the success of One Dance - the male vocalist is so so bad, the lyrics are dumb, and it's a terribly undanceable 'dance' track. I just don't get it. Last edited: 13.10.2016 10:35 |
| *** It's ok but can get annoying quickly. UK#1 and Ireland#1. |
| **** toffe opvolger van Dont let me down. |
| **** ...okay... |
| **** Sound geht ok, Bandname nicht. Kindergartencacca! |
| ****** I personally love 'Roses' but hated 'Don't Let Me Down'. This song i think beats them both! Great to see Halsey finally getting some well deserved chart success as well! |
| * Ich mag's nicht und verstehe auch nicht, wieso der Song so ein großer Erfolg ist..!! |
| **** Doch, doch, das kann man sich durchaus anhören. Wie schon mal gesagt: Alles was nach "#Selfie" kam, konnte fast nur besser sein... |
| ** Zum kreischen und davonlaufen was heutzutage oben in den Charts ist! Was für ein nerviges und blödes Lied! |
| ** I'm sick of it and I can't take them seriously because they brought out a novelty song as their first single! Why does Australia think this was so good? And the sad thing is Halsey couldn't save this! Last edited: 12.07.2017 16:53 |
| ** Hier heb ik ook totaal niks mee. |
| *** Halseys Gesang ist ja noch ziemlich süß, alles andere überzeugt in keiner Weise. |
| * Dit vind ik niks. |
| *** Gefällt mir nicht. |
| ***** Meine Tochter versucht es mir schmackhaft zu machen, das gelingt nicht ganz.<br><br>07.05.17: Jetzt habe ich das Album, die "Collage EP", gehört. ... jetzt gefällt's mir. :-) 4 => 5. Last edited: 07.05.2017 19:59 |
| * das ist vielleicht ein nerviger sound! eines der schlimmsten lieder des jahres! |
| *** dürftig... |
| ** Seit 10 Wochen jetzt auf Platz 1 in den USA. Kaum zu glauben, welcher Mist heutzutage auf die Chartspitze steigen kann. Die Band erlebt dieses Jahr ein Hype - aus diesem Grund der unerklärbare Erfolg. Und jetzt, wo das Video veröffentlicht wurde, wird das Lied noch für längere Zeit in den Top 10 bleiben. 2* |
| * This is a disaster, I really hate this song. It feels like a watered down version of Roses and I wasn't a fan of that either. That drop is laughably bad and I don't care for Halsey at all. It's just another proof that Americans simply can't do dance music. |
| ** Geez these guys are frustratingly inconsistent. They go from releasing "Don't Let Me Down" (their best) to this steaming pile of crap, which I would say is their worst to date so far (yes, even worse than "#Selfie").<br><br>I think it mainly comes down to that awful breakdown, which is honestly one of the worst breakdowns I have ever heard in a mainstream electro song. It is just way too plain and simplistic and pathetic (only 3 notes I think) and doesn't reach any level of elation whatsoever.<br><br>Let us not forget some of the cringeworthy lyrics we have here as well, particularly the lines about the stolen mattress and the Blink 182 name-drop.<br><br>And, this is more of a nit-pick than anything else, but who cares that she can't afford the Rover? What does that add to the song? It doesn't paint anything about the picture of this relationship, and just felt like you put it in to fill some space in the chorus.<br><br>And unbelievably, this spent nine weeks at #1. This song is just proof that once you water down your music and give it as least personality as possible, it will become popular. Such a shame, but what else should I expect.<br><br>1.5* |
| * Worst song of 2016 |
| * 13 in 1 dozijn nummer. |
| **** Etwas besser als "Don't let me down", aber wieso das so ein grosser Hit, speziell in den USA ist...? Aber gut, die haben sowieso einen eigenen Geschmack, nicht nur in der Musik. Nett, knappe 4. |
| *** Nette Radio Nummer, mehr nicht. |
| ** The best thing I can say about this song is that I made a remarkable observation: This is a collaboration between the duo who made "#SELFIE", and a singer who did a highly questionable version of Justin Bieber's "Love Yourself" that essentially made it "F**k Yourself". I caught a glipse of the video recently and realised that Halsey looked familiar, in the hotel scenes at least, remarkably resembling one Victoria Chase from "Life Is Strange". If you've played at least the first episode of it (if you haven't, it's free to buy on all platforms and very good), perhaps the line of dialogue that you'll most recall is when she tells you to 'go f**k your selfie' (which makes sense in context). This also means I have to dock points because Halsey never taught me anything about daguerreotypes, the process which gave portraits a sharp, reflective style like a mirror. Now I'm totally stuck in the retro zone :(<br><br>In all seriousness, it's kind of remarkable that Halsey ends up being far from the worst thing about this song, although the ensuing profile advancement from it may prove its most testing impact. No, the problem lies almost solely on The Chainsmokers, who as you might know, have gone great lengths (17 inches innit?) to show their inner bro. It's a shame really. I was once prepared to defend "#SELFIE" whose retractors felt more le wrong generation-y than anything else, but I can no longer look past just how exploitative the song is to the opposite sex.<br><br>A problem that seems to come up in just about all their songs once I started to notice it. Put simply, they just cannot seem to write a female perspective that feels on level, they always seem to be in need of this greater man. I can (most of the time) appreciate that they're using their influence to push lesser known artists into the spotlight, but I wish it were done in a more dignified way.<br><br>"Closer" is after all, a story song, told through two perspectives, but it's the guy who comes off looking stronger in this match up. He's the one whose life was perfectly in order, while she was immensely taken by him and even has to remark how attractive he still is. He's the one who's badmouthing her friends, while she's the one who's broke and living by off whatever she can scrounge up. Oh and she was insane.<br><br>You can say it's a millennial romance anthem, and in that sense it glamourises a whole sort of image that I just cannot allign to*. The people in this song are just people I would not want anything to do with, and the song isn't framed in any significant way to support this feeling. It's just dumb, overdramatised emotions that will have no tangible impact on their lives 10 years down the track when they've travelled every other state and hooked up with half a dozen other partners, never learning anything. Such is life?<br><br>Oh and something about Andrew's complete incapability to sing, and how unsatisfying the 3-note Fischer-Price breakdown is. The Chainsmokers regularly have lousy breakdowns but woah this is a disaster.<br><br>*The shoehorned blink-182 reference really seals it for me. If there ever were a band I retain no emotional connection to despite growing up at just the right time to do so, and part of me gets bothered that blink-182 get all the promotion when their new album is just so lousy. A few months on and "Built This Pool" is like the only thing I can remember from it. |
| *** I still can't really get into this. Its 12-week reign at #1 in the US (and nine weeks here) is strange to me. I wonder if the Boulder mentioned in the song is the town next to Kalgoorlie, probs not! |
| *** Actually, I was way too harsh on this in the past. At least it still has a decent melody unlike many other pop songs in the charts nowadays and the piano line at the beginning of the song is actually somewhat pleasant to listen to in hindsight. Also on second thought, the lyrics aren't that bad and do actually kinda tell a story about a bad relationship like JimJim mentioned. I still don't really like the beat drop and the Chainsmoker guy's voice is still terrible but I can at least see some qualities in this song now and can somewhat appreciate it for what it is. I don't even hate the Chainsmokers that much anymore like I initially did when this first came out. Their music is certainly better than anything Justin Bieber or Meghan Trainor could ever do. Last edited: 11.09.2017 04:23 |
| *** Musik wie ein 1996er Ford Mondeo - nichts Halbes und nichts Ganzes. Aber die Fans des Formatradios sind damit bestimmt trotzdem d'accord. |
| *** Mit der Zeit unglaublich nervig. |
| * I hate "The Chainsmokers", aside the irrelevant fact that their band-name is ridiculous, they are shameless bandwagoners, they tried to create a novelty-hit after the "Gangnam Style" craze and ultimately failed, now they're trying to ride on the tropical/house anthems and you can't get more bland than this song, this is the musical equivalent to fast food. |
| ** schwach |
| **** Ganz so übel find ich das jetzt nicht. Trotz 0815 Stempel reicht es noch so gerade für 4*. |
| ** Can't get into this no matter what. Don't get why it's been so successful as it's just so basic. |
| ***** Gepflegte Monotonie. Bin bei ihnen etwas weniger streng mit dem Urteil, weil sies doch irgendwie drauf haben. |
| * Crap |
| ****** Very good. I like how the piano wave chills the break chorus on "So baby pull me closer" I reckon that's why it was number one for quite awhile. Ever since is dropping out slowly this I still reckon is another biggest hit after Don't Let Me Down. |
| *** Okay.. |
| *** Zwáár overgewaardeerd nummer. Nog net 3 sterren. |
| *** geht so |
| ****** Das lied ist einfach schön |
| ** selten so was nerviges gehört. |
| ** Da fehlt mir total der Ohrwurmcharakter. |
| ** not the best |
| ***** Guilty Pleasure! |
| **** Der Song wirkt in der Machart ein wenig zu simple strukturiert - also soundtechnisch kommt es etwas plump rüber.<br><br>Doch Halseys Gesang insbesondere hilft dem Track sehr. Ist insgesamt gelungen. |
| *** ... zu Beginn hört sich's noch ganz gut an ... aber es ändert sich so gut wie nichts und dann nervt's ... |
| *** Durchschnittlicher song Last edited: 11.08.2018 14:52 |
| *** Ich bin definitiv kein Fan dieses Stückes und von den Bewertungen kann ich auch eine solche Schlussfolgerung ziehen. Ich mag die Melodie nicht. Viel zu oft das selbe Gedudel. Beim Refrain kann es ja nur besser werden...naja leider nicht. Keine Änderung der Melodie, nicht einmal ein wenig und Halseys Geschrei geht auch auf den Sack.<br><br>Bewertung 3* Last edited: 09.04.2021 23:07 |
| ** Langweilig ohne Ende. Musik ohne Emotionen, ohne Virtuosität, ohne interessante Melodien. Einfach nur für die Charts geschaffener Mist, um Kohle zu machen. Knapp 2*. |
| * Mir fehlt da leider auch alles, was gute Musik eigentlich ausmachen muss. Dieser Titel ist komplett austauschbar, wird mMn nur von einigen Jugendlichen ernsthaft gehört und wird bald auch wieder vergessen sein. |
| * Einfach nur langweilig, dieser Sound - trotz Halsey. |
| ** abgerundete 2, Erfolg muss nicht immer für Qualität sprechen und umgekehrt<br><br>CDN: #1 (13 weeks), 2016<br>USA: #1 (12 weeks), 2016 |
| ***** Yes it's rather basic and generic but I still enjoy this and to me is their best track easily.<br><br>Peaked at #8 on my personal chart.<br><br>P = 144 Last edited: 23.08.2021 06:43 |
| ** radio song |
| **** Halsey macht den Song dann doch noch hörenswert. |
| ***** Gefällt mir gut |
| ** Von vorne bis hinten einfach nur uninteressant und austauschbar... |
| * Terrible. |
| * Sehr schwache Nummer.<br> |
| * Ik moet dit wel eens gehoord hebben en direct zijn vergeten, want dit soort singles lijken als kopieën van elkaar. Maar mijn vraag is, hoe kan dit dan #1 worden als dit zich nergens van onderscheidt?? Muzieklijsten zijn toch geen roulettetafels? |
| ***** Charmanter Mainstream-Pop der Gegenwart. Für mein Dafürhalten auch gar nicht mal so 08/15, jedenfalls nicht durchgehend, weshalb ich wohl auch ansprang. |
| **** Nichts besonderes, aber überhaupt nicht schlecht. Gefällt mir ziemlich gut. *4+ |
| *** Verbazingwekkend dat deze matige plaat van het Amerikaanse duo met hun landgenote als zangeres 4 weken op nummer 1 stond. |
| *** I don't HATE it, but it doesn't do much for me. The melody in particular is incredibly ploddy and without much rhythmic variation. |
| *** irgendetwas stimmt mit mir nicht, da ich mir nicht vorstellen kann, dass man sich sowas freiwillig anhört und da gehe ich offenbar voll gegen die Mehrheit - doch mittlerweile wissen wir ja, dass es heute überhaupt kein Problem ist Hitparadenplatzierungen und Klicks im Allgemeinen einfach zu kaufen, ist, wie so oft, nur eine Sache des Geldes |
 |  |